Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My grass is green because I mow my friggin lawn...

My life is working out for me right now.  There have been some moments recently that have made me realize that people might think my grass is pretty green.  Ladies and gents, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.  And if it is…it’s because there’s some BA like me mowing that crap every single day, watering it, whispering sweet nothings to it, buying it Miracle Gro.  If you only learn one thing from following my blog, please let it be this: my grass is green because I take really good care of it.

So here we go…the things that are working out for me…and how I made it happen!


I went to the doctor almost a year ago for a normal check-up and to make a really long story short, my blood pressure was absurdly high for a healthy 24 year old.  We came to the conclusion that I needed to get my stress levels in check.  I knew exactly what to do and about a month later, I gave my notice and said goodbye to my very promising corporate career.  Could I have found a way to handle the stress?  Sure.  Did I want to?  Nope!  I know my triggers and I know corporate America wasn’t for me.  I was a phenomenal employee, but I will be an even better small business owner.  The lesson here is simple: embrace who you are.  If you are going to spend more time at work than you are with your family…I sure hope you at least enjoy what you’re doing.  And if you don’t, change it. 

I KNOW WHO I AM (usually…)
I am many things and simple is not one of them.  That whole saying “Love yourself before you can love someone else”…so true.  It takes awhile to get to know yourself though.  It’s a really personal journey and maybe I will share mine one day.  I’ve done a lot of soul searching lately, I’ve embraced my crazy.  I know who I am, where I’m headed.  I know what makes me mad and what makes me happy.  You should go on this journey too.  Love yourself.    

I’ve heard this one a lot lately…it makes me really, really happy that others can see how happy I am.  I‘ve heard a lot of different things…I’ve heard that some couples are jealous of the relationship I have with my husband.  I’ve heard that they want what I have.  I’ve heard that we make it look so easy.  I met Max when I was 19 years old, I married him when I was 21 and I probably truly respected him and loved him the way he deserved to be loved when I was about 22.  It has not been an easy road folks.  We fought hard to have a relationship like this.  It didn’t just put itself together.  I think there are some really important things that can make a marriage successful, I think they might be different for everyone, but here’s what I think makes mine work.
1.      Unconditional love.  I don’t always like my husband (but he always likes me!) but I always, AlWAYS love him. 
2.      Communication.  This one is a no-brainer.  If something’s wrong, we talk about it, over and over again until it gets resolved.  Ignoring your problems is stupid, I don’t understand why people do it…grow up.
3.      We don’t fight about money.  No seriously…we do this magical thing called math, we do it every month and we make sure we come out in the positive and not in the negative.  We work hard to earn a comfortable living, we don’t spend money we don’t have, we don’t believe in paycheck to paycheck (live within your means people) and BOOM!  We don’t fight about money.  (For those of you who are totally annoyed with me right now for my “lack of money problems” let me just share this: I worked my ass off from age 18 to have a solid job to support my solid shopping habit.  While my friends were working part-time at coffee shops, I was working as a middle-level manager putting in my 40 and then some.  I earned every penny that is now sitting in my closet in the form of a fabulous shoe collection.)
4.      We connect on a deep level.  We aren’t just roomies, we aren’t just best friends.  We are husband and wife…and we don’t forget that.
5.      I read Fifty Shades…my husband has no idea why his stubborn, bossy wife now likes hearing the word NO…need I say more?

Not like I used to, but I still get er done.  I am a really big believer in living a materialistic life.  Things make me happy, they always have.  With that said, I am one of the most emotional individuals you will ever meet.  I am constantly working on my inner-self, so please don’t confuse me with the materialistic women you see on Real Housewives, I’m different. 

I like shopping.  I used to shop A LOT.  Like monthly, okay…weekly.  And then we purchased our forever home and I started my business, and suddenly, I can’t afford to go shopping weekly.  So now, I browse weekly and I purchase monthly.  I didn’t give it up, I just toned it down.  Ladies, go shopping.  We were meant to do it…just stick within your budget!! And also, buy Starbucks.  I used to have Starbucks every day…sometimes every-other-day.  Now I buy it maybe twice a week.  It makes me feel special, I like it and that’s that. 

Human beings are so incredibly complex.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE that I am not simple.  I hate simple.  I am dark, twisty and complicated.  And if you love me, that’s why.  No one loves me because I decide to be sweet and caring one day out of the week.  They love me because they know my head is a complete mess and that I am all kinds of crazy.

So what should my next blog be about?  More about marriage?  More about my personal journey?  You tell me…

Until Next Time


  1. Ashlee Manley WatsonMarch 20, 2013 at 9:31 PM

    Okay....didnt know you went to the doc?? SCARY! Have you had it checked again? And thank you for loving my brother. He is an amazing man and I love that you both are growing together in love and always striving to be better for each other. :)

    So, about this green grass....I didnt plant winter grass this year so my grass is ANYTHING but green....we havent even really loved it much in the last 3 the grass is DEFINITLY greener where you are ;)

    I love you Kay, I love getting to know you better. Our little "wine and whine" sessions are awesome (and much needed) and seeing the sweaty, stinky side of you at Bikram Yoga was actually pretty are a woman of many traits. I admire your "ladyness" yet willingness to get down and dirrrrty (not just Christian style) teehee

    I feel like I learn alot about me by spending time with you. I think we have alot in common and struggle down the same paths sometimes. I am excited to keep struggling/learning/succeeding in this life with you as my sister, and friend. I look up to you in so many ways and can NOT wait for you and my baby bro to have kids!!!

    HEY!!! There's a good topic for the next blog!!Lets talk about sex baby....or maybe just the baby part!!?? :0

    xoxo (oh please god, let technology send this one) eeek....


    1. Ash...I absolutely love you :) lets have more wine nights and I will tell you some more of my lawn mowing secrets! I'm so thankful to have you in my life, you've always been such an amazing support system for me. I can't wait to have babies either :) but all in good time. Love you to the moon and back. When are you starting your own blog???

  2. You my dear, crack me up! The subject line alone made me laugh out loud! I also really liked what you said about your marriage. As someone who has been married a long time, I couldn't agree more. I think you're a great writer and will have an amazing blog. Thanks for sending me the link! XOXO

    1. Shay!! Thank you so much for reading, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Your kind words mean so much!! Hopefully my blog will be as beautiful and exciting as yours day!! Xoxo.
