Saturday, March 30, 2013

Beer & Bathtubs OR Poopy Diapers & Disneyland

My sister-in-law requested that I blog about sex or babies, or both.  And my husband told me I should blog about some of my “inner-demons”, the things I struggle with, you know…the not-so-pretty.  So OBVIOUSLY I decided to go with my sister-in-law’s request, because blogging about sex sounds fun.  But then I realized how public this blog is…and I suppose I should do my best to pick a more “appropriate” topic…at least for now.

So I went back to my sister-in-law’s request (clearly avoiding my husband’s request to publicly expose my dark and twisty) of blogging about babies.  It’s settled, I will blog about babies.  So I have a day off tomorrow and my husband is at work for the night, so I do my very favorite thing ever, I grab a few beers, make a bubble bath and indulge in some magazine reading…

My favorite magazines ever are the trashy gossip ones.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading about how fat Kim Kardashian is, which Real Housewife is getting divorced this week and why Lindsay Lohan got arrested for like the 70th time.  BUT, this time, I grabbed a Redbook (my mom was over and she gave me a selection of Oprah, Good Housekeeping and Redbook…sometimes she brings me the good stuff, like People.  But this time she brought me grown-up magazines and so I decided to be a grown up and read Redbook).  I skimmed through the pages and landed on an article called “Feel A Little Happier Every Day”- and I started reading.  About halfway through I found myself rolling my eyes and guzzling my beer as fast as I could, wishing it were vodka.  If I have to read one more magazine article about how hard it is to be a mom and how much women hate their lives after they have kids, I am going to Lose.My.Shit.  This particular article was fascinating to me, because it is written by a lady who had her first baby at 41 and is now really stressed out with the whole “being a mom thing”.  She said that she and her husband really debated about having children, that the only reason they did it was because they were feeling stuck and it was just the next step. Society expected them to become parents, and so they did.  WHAT??? So you had a baby because everyone else was doing it (not because you had this overwhelming desire to create a life) you get to write an article about how becoming a mother is so incredibly depressing, making negative generalizations on behalf of all mothers.  Awesome.  Her article concluded with some BS statement about how she really thinks the peak of her happiness will come later in life, when she is retired and her children have left for college.  Again, awesome.  Glad you became a mom lady.  So after reading that and getting so worked up about it, my husband will get his wish…I will write a blog about my dark and twisty.  But it will be about babies…so my sister-in-law should be a happy camper!

I have wanted to be a mom since I was about five years old.  I have also been about 30 years old inside for a really long time.  Every choice I have ever made has been with a baby in mind.  I went to college so that I could financially support a family.  I married a man who will hands down be the most AMAZING father you have ever seen (no seriously).  I bought a nice big house with lots of bedrooms in a nice area, with amazing schools.  I saved my money.  I nurtured my marriage.  The list goes on.  So where is my baby?

I struggle every single day with becoming a mom.  I think about it more than I should.  I dream about it.  I worry about it.  I cry about it.  I melt in the baby isle at Target.  Something deep inside me starts exploding with flowers and unicorns when I see a onesie.  And I have put cute little baby shoes in my shopping cart before…and later have taken them out of my cart, because it’s crazy to buy baby shoes for a baby you don’t have.  The time is just never right for me and it makes me really sad. 

The number one reason I don’t feel ready is because my husband talks about it all the time (not as much as I do, but I think more than a typical man does) but he has flat out said to me “we aren’t ready yet”.  This crushes me every time I hear it, I fight back tears, I fight the urge to be mad, but I know he’s right.  His reasoning is that I just started a new career path that requires a lot of my time and he is working a lot right now and will have a more flexible schedule later in his career.  My argument to that would be that it takes couples on average, six months to get pregnant and nearly a year to cook a baby.  In a year and a half from this very moment…I do believe that a baby would be a welcome addition to our life.  Plus, you never know, what if we have trouble?  What if I can’t get pregnant?  I would LOVE to adopt…but that takes time too.  I don’t want to be that angry, bitter 35 year old who always dreamed of becoming a mom, finding out that it just wasn’t in the cards for me.  My biggest fear in life right now is waking up at 30, without cute little baby feet running around my house. 

With that said, it is also very important to me to have everything in place before bringing children into my life.  Do I continue working when we have a baby?  I think I am one of those people who NEEDS to work.  I’m not exactly Martha Stewart.  I made some “creation” for dinner the other night that was absolutely disgusting…staying home, doing laundry and baking…that’s just not my thing.  So where does my baby go when I go to work?  Daycare probably isn’t an option for me.  It gives me anxiety.  I cried when my dogs went to the groomers (in my defense, my dog was crying and dragging her feet, so I feel like it was okay for me to be upset too) but I know that I will be that mom who sits in her car and sobs like a 16 year old after dropping off my baby with a stranger.  I struggle with this a lot.  I am a planner.  I need to know where my baby is going to spend their time, before I even try to get pregnant.

Some of my biggest fears about becoming a mom stem from others.  This probably makes me the most upset (I’m working really hard to stop looking for approval from others, it’s a weird, insecure habit of mine and I am not fond of it).  I strongly believe that when we decide to have a baby, it should be a decision made between myself and my husband and no one else.  I read these magazine articles that say so many marriages fall apart after a baby is born, women become these depressed, unattached creatures and to have a career AND be a mom- forget it.  I am 100% sure that my marriage will experience a change after we become parents, but I don’t believe it will suffer.  And I do believe I can find the right balance between career and children.  Yet I still find myself begging for someone to tell me when it is “my time”. 

And now here’s the dark and twisty.  Every once in a while, I will have a day where I just cannot imagine taking care of a baby.  I come home from work and all I can think about is myself.  I sit in the bathtub, I drink a beer and I enjoy my peace and quiet.  In those moments, I cannot think of anything more perfect.  And every once in a while, I get absolutely wasted with my husband and I sleep in until noon.  And every once in a while, I book amazing vacations at pricey, kid unfriendly resorts and enjoy the finer things in life.  I love these things, I cherish them.  So what will my life be like if I come home from work and draw a bath for my baby because their diaper exploded.  And what will my life be like when I can only have one glass of wine at night because I have to be awake at 5 AM with my kids.  And what will my life be like if I book the Holiday Inn across the street from Disneyland for my “luxurious” vacation.  Well…I think my life would be perfect.  I think it would be amazing.  I think it would be beautiful.  To create a tiny human being with the man of my dreams, to love that little human being more than anything in this world, that sounds amazing to me.  One of my favorite things to tell my husband is that I loved him before I even knew him.  I cannot wait to tell my children one day how much I loved them, before I even knew them.  XOXO.

For the record, I would gladly trade beer and bathtubs for poopy diapers and Disneyland.  I cannot wait for that day to come. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My grass is green because I mow my friggin lawn...

My life is working out for me right now.  There have been some moments recently that have made me realize that people might think my grass is pretty green.  Ladies and gents, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.  And if it is…it’s because there’s some BA like me mowing that crap every single day, watering it, whispering sweet nothings to it, buying it Miracle Gro.  If you only learn one thing from following my blog, please let it be this: my grass is green because I take really good care of it.

So here we go…the things that are working out for me…and how I made it happen!


I went to the doctor almost a year ago for a normal check-up and to make a really long story short, my blood pressure was absurdly high for a healthy 24 year old.  We came to the conclusion that I needed to get my stress levels in check.  I knew exactly what to do and about a month later, I gave my notice and said goodbye to my very promising corporate career.  Could I have found a way to handle the stress?  Sure.  Did I want to?  Nope!  I know my triggers and I know corporate America wasn’t for me.  I was a phenomenal employee, but I will be an even better small business owner.  The lesson here is simple: embrace who you are.  If you are going to spend more time at work than you are with your family…I sure hope you at least enjoy what you’re doing.  And if you don’t, change it. 

I KNOW WHO I AM (usually…)
I am many things and simple is not one of them.  That whole saying “Love yourself before you can love someone else”…so true.  It takes awhile to get to know yourself though.  It’s a really personal journey and maybe I will share mine one day.  I’ve done a lot of soul searching lately, I’ve embraced my crazy.  I know who I am, where I’m headed.  I know what makes me mad and what makes me happy.  You should go on this journey too.  Love yourself.    

I’ve heard this one a lot lately…it makes me really, really happy that others can see how happy I am.  I‘ve heard a lot of different things…I’ve heard that some couples are jealous of the relationship I have with my husband.  I’ve heard that they want what I have.  I’ve heard that we make it look so easy.  I met Max when I was 19 years old, I married him when I was 21 and I probably truly respected him and loved him the way he deserved to be loved when I was about 22.  It has not been an easy road folks.  We fought hard to have a relationship like this.  It didn’t just put itself together.  I think there are some really important things that can make a marriage successful, I think they might be different for everyone, but here’s what I think makes mine work.
1.      Unconditional love.  I don’t always like my husband (but he always likes me!) but I always, AlWAYS love him. 
2.      Communication.  This one is a no-brainer.  If something’s wrong, we talk about it, over and over again until it gets resolved.  Ignoring your problems is stupid, I don’t understand why people do it…grow up.
3.      We don’t fight about money.  No seriously…we do this magical thing called math, we do it every month and we make sure we come out in the positive and not in the negative.  We work hard to earn a comfortable living, we don’t spend money we don’t have, we don’t believe in paycheck to paycheck (live within your means people) and BOOM!  We don’t fight about money.  (For those of you who are totally annoyed with me right now for my “lack of money problems” let me just share this: I worked my ass off from age 18 to have a solid job to support my solid shopping habit.  While my friends were working part-time at coffee shops, I was working as a middle-level manager putting in my 40 and then some.  I earned every penny that is now sitting in my closet in the form of a fabulous shoe collection.)
4.      We connect on a deep level.  We aren’t just roomies, we aren’t just best friends.  We are husband and wife…and we don’t forget that.
5.      I read Fifty Shades…my husband has no idea why his stubborn, bossy wife now likes hearing the word NO…need I say more?

Not like I used to, but I still get er done.  I am a really big believer in living a materialistic life.  Things make me happy, they always have.  With that said, I am one of the most emotional individuals you will ever meet.  I am constantly working on my inner-self, so please don’t confuse me with the materialistic women you see on Real Housewives, I’m different. 

I like shopping.  I used to shop A LOT.  Like monthly, okay…weekly.  And then we purchased our forever home and I started my business, and suddenly, I can’t afford to go shopping weekly.  So now, I browse weekly and I purchase monthly.  I didn’t give it up, I just toned it down.  Ladies, go shopping.  We were meant to do it…just stick within your budget!! And also, buy Starbucks.  I used to have Starbucks every day…sometimes every-other-day.  Now I buy it maybe twice a week.  It makes me feel special, I like it and that’s that. 

Human beings are so incredibly complex.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE that I am not simple.  I hate simple.  I am dark, twisty and complicated.  And if you love me, that’s why.  No one loves me because I decide to be sweet and caring one day out of the week.  They love me because they know my head is a complete mess and that I am all kinds of crazy.

So what should my next blog be about?  More about marriage?  More about my personal journey?  You tell me…

Until Next Time

When Computers Shut Themselves Down and Ruin Your LIFE!!

Last night I spent about three hours creating an amazing new post on my laptop.  I was having writer's block and hadn't created anything for my blog in a few weeks, so I was really proud of this piece because it was passionate and personal, very non-writer's blocky.  Well I signed my blog with my typical "Until Next Time XOXO" and then friggin computer just shuts off and starts doing some stupid update thing.  I was too depressed to open it back up to see if Microsoft Word backed up my work.  So today...let's keep it simple. I love hearing about people's favorite things. Word of Mouth is my favorite thing ever, so I want to share a few of my FAVES :) Enjoy!

  • MAC Studio Fix It Fluid Foundation- AMAZINGGG. I love all things MAC, but my wallet does I splurge ONLY on their foundation. It's like $30 per bottle, but worth every penny.

  • Victoria's Secret Lip Gloss- it's my favorite.  Always has been, always will be.

  • Anything Vera Wang.  She has a line at Kohl's (one of my most favorite stores).  She has gorgeous bags...they are a bit pricey, so wait until they go on sale and then use a coupon for an extra discount!

  • Suave Shampoo and Conditioner (the one with Keratin). You might think I am crazy for buying $2 shampoo...but I've tried everything, EVERYTHING (yes, I've tried the $30 per bottle salon stuff too, so not worth it). I have very thick, wavy hair that gets damaged from all the coloring I do to it...I just discovered the Suave with Keratin a few weeks ago and I am hooked.

  • Cage-Free Eggs. I was a Humanities major in college and one of my classes was about animal ethics.  It really made me want to be a vegetarian or maybe even a vegan.  But I can't function without meat in my life.  So instead, I try my best to buy products where the animals are grass-fed, free-range, etc.

  • Charity.  It's one of my favorite things.  If you are selling some sort of coupon book for a good cause, come see me, I will buy it from you every.single.time!  I also love coupons, so this is a win, win!

  • Sylvia Day: Bared to You and Reflected in You.  If you liked Fifty Shades you will like these too.  I spent my entire college career analyzing great literature and it is SO nice to end your day in the bubble bath, with a glass of wine, reading some kinky, totally unrealistic novel. LOVE it!
Share your favorites too :) And stay tuned, tonight I hope to recover my blog from last night and get it posted. 

Until Next Time

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Betty Crocker, Fifty Shades and Jesus

So I published my first blog post about a week ago and have spent the past week trying to figure out what my next post should be about. Should it be happy and cute or dark and twisty?  The reason I started this blog was because I have a burning desire to put my opinions on paper.  The person that triggered my thoughts about blogging was Shay Shull and her blog “Mix and Match Family”- seriously, Google her…she is Sean Lowe’s sister and she is super cute and super amazing.  If you don’t know who Sean Lowe is, we can’t be friends anymore. Anyways, I was reading her blog, feeling really inspired.  She is a 30-something, Bible loving, happily married woman with some seriously cute children, who blogs about recipes, style and her super sad, but very encouraging story of infertility struggles.  So there I was, reading her blog (for days), dreaming up what my blog was going to be about.  I was going to share my recipes, I was going to take pictures of my totally amazing shoe collection and I was ready to go buy a new SUV so that I could pop out some babies, put them in car seats, become a stay-at-home mom and then blog about it.  And then I grabbed a beer, turned on some Nirvana and kicked my ass back to reality… 

The truth is, I am the farthest thing from a Bible-loving, Betty Crocker, stay-at-home mom.  I actually don’t believe in the Bible, it’s a nice story, but that’s about all it does for me.  My posts about recipes would be short-lived because I have mastered Spaghetti and meat sauce…but other than that, my specialties are vodka with soda water and vodka with tonic water.  And as far as being a stay-at-home mom goes…if you know me and you know my personal struggles, then you know that I am a woman who desperately wants to have a family (I dream about my future babies, all the time), but who has always, always, always, put her career before everything else (not sure if that was the right choice to be making all this time, but I am working on it and I am making some very good progress). 

So in thinking about all of these “bloggy” things: recipes, shoe collections and fancy bags, I realize I have so much more to say, so much drama to stir up and I hope you come along for a nice ride with me.  Below, are a few topics I am interested in and I hope you will message me or comment about them so we can turn this blog into a controversial, beautiful piece of work. 


Religion.  Such a lovely subject.  I am not a Christian, I have been to church, I have been to Science class and I am not an Atheist either.  I respect religion because I believe it is important to believe in something bigger than yourself.  With that said…I believe in something bigger than me.  I believe that whatever created human beings, whatever created Earth, whatever made something out of nothing, is so advanced and so special, that our human brains would simply not even be able to imagine it, let alone name it and write a book about it.  I certainly don’t think some man in the sky said “let there be a human being” and then POOF here we are.  I also don’t think some giant star exploded and then POOF here we are.  I think it’s more complicated than that.

Pro Life VS Pro Choice.  This is one of my favorites, it’s so controversial and so personal and usually creates quite a frenzy.  Let’s be clear, personally, I am Pro-Life.  There has never been a moment where I would have considered an abortion, for myself, personally.  However, I will fight Pro-Life until the day I die.  I don’t believe that life forms at conception…I’m no doctor, but I am well aware that life forms far before birth…I think that hazy area of a few weeks into things, might be where that lovely gray line exists.  If we were giving women abortions six-months into their pregnancy, I would consider that murder…but six-weeks into pregnancy…I would consider that a choice that a woman has a right to make.  I do think there is a fine line…and we can talk about that fine line if you want to.  I also strongly believe in Planned Parenthood…I know there is a lot of controversy on where they get their funding…but for all of your super conservative parents who HATEEEE that your tax dollars might go towards abortions…here’s the thing, picture your 15 year old daughter having an abortion in an alley way in Mexico…because that my friends, is what would happen if Planned Parenthood didn’t exist, if Pro-Choice didn’t exist.

Can we please talk about healthcare.  This is a personal problem for me right now…I know of a lot of people who are on government healthcare (AKA free healthcare) because they are single, with children and they don’t make enough money.  Yeah, yeah, super sad story and I should probably be more sympathetic.  BUT, here I am…married and living in middle-class America and my health insurance cost is $600/month through my husband’s employer.  Seriously, WTF.  It’s like the government, or God, or someone said “Hey Kayla, thank you so much for doing the right thing all your life…for going to college, for getting married, for having a successful career and a lovely home to live in.  Thank you for creating a savings account and for not getting in over your head with credit card debt, thank you so much for living within your means.  We are going to reward you with a $600 health insurance bill every month.  Congratulations!!”.  This whole issue absolutely sends me sideways…

And to close up tonight’s blog, let’s chat about Fifty Shades.  People either love this book, or they hate it.  The one’s who hate it always say “oh it didn’t really speak to me” or “I just didn’t get it” or “it was terrible writing, so unrealistic”.  I FEEL BAD FOR YOU.  Fifty Shades made it okay for women to talk about sex again.  It made it okay for us to believe in fantasy.  It was not meant to be some Shakespeare novel, it was meant to be an easy, sexy read that you enjoyed in the bathtub while sipping a strong cocktail.  Brilliant literature was fabulous in college, but now, I’d rather read about billionaires who want to chain me up.  Ladies, are you with me?  

So in high school, I was the Opinions & Editorials Editor and I had my own column in the school newspaper…my journalism teacher always had to ask the principal for permission before publishing my articles, because she always thought my words might cost her a job (poor lady)…but she always fought for me and my opinions were always published, even if they were a little bit toned down, a little bit vanilla.  Nice thing about this blog…there isn’t a principal I have to run my opinions by before I hit the publish button…

Until next time…xoxo.