Saturday, November 23, 2013


My mom called me the other day and here's how it went:

Kayla... "Hello"
Mom...  "Hi, what are you doing?"
Kayla... "I'm at Target"
Mom...  "You are ALWAYS shopping"

Why yes...yes I am.  It is what I do best. FYI- the last two times my mom has called me, over the last two days, BOTH times I have been out shopping. I love shopping, you should love shopping too.

I absolutely ADORE the holiday season. I thought this blog might be nice to showcase where I shop for Christmas gifts...because if you are anything like me, you are probably panicking that we have ONE MONTH left to shop!  So here's how it goes in my household...

In past years, I 've always set a budget. I would write out who I needed to shop for and what I needed to get for that person and how much I was planning to spend. I would start my shopping right after Summer and found that spacing it over several months helped me avoid the "financial ouch" that the holidays always bring.  If you are on a tight budget, start shopping early.

In the most recent years, I began my shopping in November, which totally stresses me out, but I've been busy, so this is just how it goes. My FAVORITE stores for Christmas shopping are:

  • Marshalls
  • Kohls
  • Target
  • Pier One
  • Home Goods
  • Online Stores
You will notice that I don't have Wal-Mart on this list.  People...don't go to Wal-Mart when it's almost Christmas...just don't.  I absolutely hate crowds.  So you will NOT find this girl anywhere near a store on Black Friday...nor will you find me near a Wal-Mart, case closed. 

You will also notice that I left "Ross" off this list.  If you know me, you know I typically enjoy a Dress For Less shopping spree.  However, two weeks ago (the VERY beginning of November) I walked into our lovely Oro Valley Ross and there were people EVERYWHERE and their shelves looked like an unorganized yard sale.  Ain't nobody got time for that.  I walked ran out of there. So this year, I have been going about twice a week to some of my favorite stores to gather some presents for some of my favorite people.

For the MEN in my life, I usually go for the following:

A nice sweater or long-sleeved shirt. 
ALL of the men in my life refuse to shop for themselves, so the women in their life do it for them :)
I stick to name-brands (Calvin Klein, Polo, Michael Kors...quality, timeless pieces, you get it) and I usually pick these up at Marshalls. I mean you can get a $50+ Calvin Klein shirt for $30 (I know this because I just bought seven two).  AND if my brother or my husband knew these shirts were $30, they would probably say something stupid like "you know you can buy a t-shirt at Wal-Mart for $5" STOPPP.  We do not buy t-shirts at Wal-Mart for $5 as Christmas Gifts. Repeat after me: we do not, we do not, we do not.
Sometimes I also buy them these...

Because for whatever reason, men love these gadgets.
But when in doubt and when men are so difficult to shop for...go for these...

And then enjoy watching these men take 14 years to finally spend their gift card. 
Bless their sweet little hearts :)
So for the lovely LADIES in my life, shopping is easy. I usually buy everyone a candle, because I love candles and I feel like everyone else should love candles too.

I really love the one below from Kohls (because it's usually on sale around the holidays for about $5, which is a fabulous deal!!)

They always smell so pretty and they burn forever. 
I would know, because I have like 14 (times five) candles in my house.
I think these fabulous boots would be a wonderful Christmas present...

They are Hunter Wellington's (AKA Wellie's).  I heard they are nothing short of amazing.  I heard they are a little on the pricey side, but well worth it.  I heard that the dark purple ones are a very nice color. I also heard you can buy them online at Nordstrom.
 I am talking to you Max Manley.
I think anything girly is good for Christmas presents too.  Think nail polish, lip gloss, make-up, lotion, bubble bath stuff.  I am currently obsessed with Essie polish...

The ladies in my life often ask for home-decor or kitchen items.  Home Goods is my GO-TO for anything dealing with the home.  Have you been to Home Goods?  You NEED to go.
I also stop by this lovely little piece of paradise everytime I shop every Holiday season...

I love this store, it makes my heart SO happy.
And it's a great place to find nice gifts, you're welcome :)
And now for some fun pictures...I love Christmas...

Awwee :)
I think I was probably about 13 here

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012
My goal this Christmas is to take more pictures.
Turkey Day is right around the corner and before you know it...Christmas will be here.  Enjoy!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

I Love Vegas & You Should Love Vegas TOO!

I love me some Las Vegas...

I think we have been to Vegas every year, for the past I don't know how many years.  This place is a dream because you can go on any budget, at any time.  Perfect. You can do Vegas as a couple, as a family or with friends. 
In 2010, my hubby and I ventured to Vegas for our Honeymoon...I was newly 21 and I couldn't think of anywhere else I would rather be!!

For this trip, my lovely parents let us use their timeshare and we stayed at the most AMAZING condo The Jockey Club Resort Suites
Fear not, if you are not lucky enough to have a timeshare, you can still book a room at The Jockey Club.  It has a fabulous location, right next to The Bellagio and it has amazing views (GET A VIEW ROOM!!).  It doesn't have a casino or shopping inside, but if you are staying for more than a few nights, this is your place!  Here are some views from our room when we stayed.

I are very welcome.
We have also stayed at a few other places.  We went with my bestie and one of Max's best friends a few years back and our main goal during that trip was to absorb the culture get drunk and crazy.  So we didn't care about the room...we stayed at Excalibur and it was everything you would expect out of a $40/night hotel room. It looks like a castle, which makes me really happy. 


Max and I returned to Vegas last year and we went with a GO BIG or GO HOME attitude.  We flew in for like two nights or something crazy, we stayed at New York, New York (LOVED IT) and we went to all the shows we could, we ate SO MUCH FOOD and we drank, drank, drank. 

Max spent some of our money...

We heart Vegas.  We also heart New York, New York and here's why...

 It's all kinds of pretty.  Look at it...don't you want to stay there? 
It was clean, it was reasonably priced, it has a Starbucks inside and lots of places to get food 24/7. 
It has a Starbucks inside...did I already say that?  This is important for is important.

Also, it made me feel like I was in New York City...I've always wanted to go there...but flight and hotel packages are basically like a bagillion dollars...if you stay near Times a Marriott or a Hilton...and I refuse to stay anywhere else, because I've heard NYC has some crimes issues, some bed bug issues, some "you best not stay at The Days Inn issues".  So until we can GO FANCY or GO HOME...I'm not going :)  

We ate here...I think it was breakfast time...but you can still order beer with fish and chips.  This is why I heart Vegas so much. 
So let's talk about some of my favorite Vegas tips...
1. You can drive or you can fly.  Southwest Airlines usually has flights for $85-100 ish dollars each way, so before you know it, for a couple, you might be spending $400...but let me tell you...there is nothing worse than driving home from Vegas, if you did Vegas right. It might be the best $400 you have ever spent, no joke.
2. If you fly, try they can package your flight and hotel together and it's usually cheaper.
3. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT buy a drink inside the casino.  It will cost you $20 and you will be mad.  Make those little ABC Stores your best friend...they sell normal priced drinks.
4. Wear comfortable shoes.  One time, I was an idiot, and I brought heels to Vegas.  Who does that?  Ladies...bring boots, bring flats, bring tennies.  If you think you might dress up for dinner and you MUST wear heels, bring flats in your purse.

I think Vegas is so special in-part because you can fly in first class, stay at The Bellagio and enjoy some seriously luxurious shopping OR you can drive, you can stay at that Circus, Circus place for like $12/night and regardless, you can have an AMAZING time. I love Vegas and you should love Vegas too!