Thursday, July 25, 2013

Beautiful Little Fools...and drinking beer out of a can

"I hope she'll be a fool, that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool" 

I remember watching The Great Gatsby and thinking to myself how amazing it would be if I could be like Daisy. Sure, the love of her life disappeared, but that's okay, because she met a ridiculously wealthy man and enjoyed the finer things in life, until he could return. And then, when he shows up again, turns out he is stupid rich too and also, madly in love with her. He's not terrible to look at either. So what a freaking dilemma, two powerful, incredibly wealthy men fighting over one woman. Poor thing, I feel so bad for her. Some of you are probably saying yeah, yeah, but money can't buy happiness. Sure it can. Money can buy Louis V bags, giant mansions, fancy cars...are you telling me those things won't make you happy? Oh, maybe you aren't materialistic (sorry, I tend to think everyone is like me, ha). Well in that case, here's how money can buy you can forever pay your bills on time, every single one of those bills. If you are some weird hillbilly who lives in a creeper van, you can buy yourself a nicer creeper van and if you literally don't want anything, then donate your fortune to charity and feel good about it. In Daisy's case, the money and happiness thing doesn't really matter, because that Gatsby guy turned out to be a freak and so her obsessive, father-figure of a husband carted her off to another town, and she bowed her head and followed, like a true woman. Gag. 

I think when Daisy rattled off that beautiful little fool quote, she truly believed it. When I heard it, my first reaction was whattttt an idiottttt. Who wants to be a fool and follow around some idiot, asshole man for the rest of their life? I'm so glad women decided to straighten up. But then I thought about it, and maybe she has a point. Wouldn't it be nice to be a fool? I mean, that's what those women on Real Housewives are, right? I mean seriously, you think your Plastic Surgeon husband who is twenty years older than you really loves you? Come on ladies, lets not be foolish. But in all reality, I am sure those women love the life they live. They have replaced true love with lavish parties, purses that cost as much as my first car and plastic bodies. They are beautiful little fools and I bet it's not too shabby of a gig. I'm pretty sure I don't want to be a fool. Some days I think it might be nice not to worry about the real things in life, but then reality smacks me upside the head and reminds me that I'm a friggin boss and I better start acting like it. 

So here I sit, in a really confusing place. I'm about to turn 25...that sounds really old and really young all at once. I want to have babies, no I want to get drunk in Las Vegas, babies, Vegas, babies, Vegas. I want to be a stay at home mommy, no I want to have a powerful, rewarding career (remember, I'm a friggin boss). Nooo...powerful careers are for men, I want to stay home and clean and cook and do laundry. Actually, I don't like cleaning, I can cook about two things...but I am pretty good at laundry. There has to be a happy medium, right? RIGHT. 

I don't think it's beneficial to be a beautiful little fool. But I also think that role would be impossible for me (and my point here is that it is certainly not impossible for ALL women...cough, cough, Real Housewives and Kate Middleton). I love being dominant and bossy. I have an attitude problem and I'm pretty proud of it. I like talking about controversial issues, as long as you are on my side...if you aren't, don't talk to me. I like that no man can tell me what to do...because who made up that rule back in 1891 and decided it would carry on for the next hundred years or so (I know those dates are correct...okay, maybe they aren't...I only paid attention in English class...I wasn't a fan of math or science or history or anything else that wasn't English). But we all know beautiful little fools cannot be any of those things, they cannot be crazy and hot-headed, they're probably not allowed to drink beer out of a can, they cannot say whatever they want and they cannot ask their husbands why the hell dinner isn't ready (I'm smiling so big right now...that's right...cook my dinner!!). I really don't want to be a beautiful little fool. Glad we cleared that up. 

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