Friday, February 22, 2013

My truest thoughts...

Come listen to my truest thoughts, my truest feelings…

Let’s start with some basics, just in case you’re a stranger.  My name is Kayla Brie- I work hard, I play hard, I dream hard.  This is my blog, my creative work-in-progress. You might not agree with everything in here, but that’s ok, because I’m learning not to care what other people think :).  I imagine some of my blog postings will be a little out of control and controversial, while others might be what my day was like.  It should be a really nice, slightly bi-polar mix and I’m really looking forward to it…so here’s my story in a nutshell.

I have AMAZING parents- I am a lucky, lucky girl to have been raised by those two.  My little brother is so handsome, so smart and legit talented.  My little sister is the kindest person you will ever meet and I am totally jealous of her beautiful soul.  My HUSBAND is the most amazing man I know- hands down, no contest.  I’m spoiled, but I work really hard for everything I have.  I hated high-school, I didn’t fit in.  I loved college, it accepted me for the old-soul that I was and embraced my creativity.  I struggle in the workplace- I’ve always worked in middle-management and I’ve always hated it.  I really, honestly don’t like people very much and I find it hard to get along with others.  I prefer to be alone and I work much better alone- group work isn’t my thing- BUT I am certainly trying to improve on that.  Recently, I have made some changes in my work life and things are looking good so far! 

I hate politics, but only because I don’t understand them and I hate things that I don’t understand.  I did vote for Obama, but mostly because I liked him better than the other guy.  I think we should have a conversation about Pro-life or Pro-Choice, because I have a lot to say about it- but let’s do that a different day.  We should also talk about religion, but I haven’t had enough to drink yet to dive into that subject.   I love trashy reality TV.  I drink too much coffee.  I eat healthy…I shop organic and all-natural when I can…food is a really big deal to me.  Fifty Shades of Grey rocked my world and not because of the sex- it was because of the ridiculous emotional connection those two had.  I like the whole domination thing…in life, I can't be dominated, I like to be in charge.  I've only found one person I can be submissive to...and I am happily married to him. He knows when to put me in my place and for that, I am very thankful. He has helped me learn who I am and who I want to be. He has also helped me keep my crazy to a minimum.  

I have a thing for rap music and men who think they are thugs…Tupac changed my life…no seriously, he did.  With that said, rap music isn’t my only love…I’m also pretty infatuated with this little band called Nirvana…they seem to be satisfying this annoying, dark, twisty side of me that keeps showing up lately.  You will find Tupac references in a lot of my writing (you will find them in my wedding vows too, cute story, I will share it one day)…his words make me think about things, much harder and much more seriously than I normally would.  Leave all the stress from the world outside, every wrong done will be alright, nothing but peace, love and street passion, every ghetto needs a thug mansion.  I understand that he may have made some questionable choices as a man (I heard he fathered a bunch of children and didn’t take care of them, which is totally irritating, nothing bothers me more) but he was a creative genius and people with that much passion are always a little bit dark inside, I can relate.

Speaking of men who have changed my life, let’s talk about a boy I know named Maxalan Ray.  He said just lay your head on my shoulder, don’t worry bout a thing baby, I’m a soldier… and you will always be in my heart with unconditional love.  I met Max almost six years ago and married him three years ago.  I’m pretty attached to this man and here’s why:  he loves Tupac just as much as I do- one of my favorite things to do with him is get a little bit tipsy and memorize rap songs.  Once, we stayed up for hours memorizing that one song that goes like this “I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her…” one of the most hilarious and special nights I’ve ever had.  I also really love Max because of his patience and good heart, I’m incredibly difficult to get along with and I lived alone in a big world that didn’t understand me…Maxalan Ray came along and he just “gets” me, which makes me feel complete and I like feeling complete.  When I come unglued, he puts me back together.  He’s also stunning to look at, which makes me happy.  My marriage is pretty awesome.
I think this is a good start.  I hope my blog is a place to spend my quiet nights, time to unwind, so much pressure in this life of mine.  Besides the little gangster party that is constantly going on in my head, my life is pretty boring.  For the most part, I cuddle with my puppies all day and wait for my handsome husband to come home, so I can cuddle with him all night. 

Until next time…xoxo.